Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ecuador trip intro

In a few a days or to be correct on Saturday, February 11, 2012 a group of motorcycle enthusiast from Greater Boston area will fly to Ecuador to begin their 7 days adventure in this beautiful country.
I am happy to introduce members of our crew.

1. The prettiest and the only female member of our crew - Jamie

2. Person responsible for this crazy idea - Temich aka Motor Head

3. Our Trip Marshall -Serega

4. The man that left his business behind, so he can go on this trip - Barak

5. And the last member of this incredible crew would be me

Preliminary description of our trip you can find by clicking on the link below
http://freedombikerental.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=187&Itemid=243 just remember this itinerary goes counter clockwise, and we'll be moving clockwise.

I will try to post updates and pictures from this trip on the daily basis, but no promises.

Sincerely yours,



  1. Full speed ahead and get in lots of good kinda trouble!

  2. Thank you guys, we'll do our best.

  3. Enjoy your road trip! don't forget to make a pictures to share with friends after ;)

  4. Good luck from the older generation!
    White envy...

  5. Hope you are having a fantastic time still!! And not getting too wet :)

  6. Waiting for the news... Looks like you are having a great time :)
